Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Eco-Philosophy Discussion Group: First Meeting, Wed. Feb. 24th 5:30 at the Buttonwood Tree

The first meeting of the Exophilosophy Discussion Group will be held at The Buttonwood Tree (605 Main Street, Middletown) on Wednesday, February 24th from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. Last the last meeting of our exophilosophy class last semester Fall 2015, Patti Vassia had the excellent suggestion that our discussion group start with the book we didn't get to read last semester, Jacques Valle's seminal book Passport to Magonia. I'm excited to be getting this started and invite anyone interested to join us. I've posted some links to  materials by Jacques Valle, including one of his famous papers that I really love, called "Five Arguments Against the Extraterrestrial Origin of Unidentified Flying Objects."

Following the meeting, at 7:30, The Grays will be performing at the Buttonwood Tree, so there's time to get a bite to eat after the discussion and then catch some funky jazz inspired by our off-world friends, so come hang out for a truly ufological evening of fun. 

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